I’m a racist. I admit it. It’s true. I am partial to the Human Race over any other. That’s not to say that I don’t like other races. I’ve just never actually met anyone from another race, but I’ll take a relationship with someone from my own race any day.
Am I always proud of what other members of my race may do or say? Absolutely not. There are some very radical members of my race. And they come in a variety of colors. Other than that, I don’t really see any difference. Well, yes, there are always the things we use to identify another member of the human race to make that person stand out among others. We may call someone old or young, short or tall, thin or fat. Usually these descriptions are given to a fugitive from justice. A convenience store robber may stand 5’10’’ and weigh 175 pounds. The clerk knows the height of the perpetrator by the marking tape that is put on the door frame. Who knows how they guessed his weight. It’s not like there is a scale at the door… is there?
I mention this to bring up another point. Where do we get off saying someone is white or black? Open up your crayon box and pull out the white and black crayons. Do you know anybody that is THAT white or THAT black? I think we as a race are becoming more and more homogeneous. With the blending of the colors I think it is time to redefine colors as a means of identification. That’s why I recommend that we number code our colors. Think of the whitest skinned person you know. That person would be a 1. Now think of the darkest skinned person you know. That person would be a 10. The rest of us would fall in between.
Why not identify a person this way? Instead of being a white guy, I would be a 2 or a 3. The height strips on the convenience store doors could be color coded as well. Then the perpetrator could be described as 5’10’’, 175 pounds, and approximately 3 in color.
We could then sing, “Seven, five, nine and two, we’re all precious, even you...”
Does this all sound a little absurd to you? In its absurdity I would hope that it would make you realize the only thing dividing the human race is us.