Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thinking of you always

For those of you who have followed my journey on Facebook you may have already read this. I'm working on posting to my blog some of the posts that were liked the most. This little poem was one of those posts. 

Just because I'm not crying it doesn't mean I don't care
Just because there are no tears it doesn't mean I'm not aware
Of every moment without you
Cause I think about you

Just because I'm still breathing it doesn't mean I'm alive
Just because the day is over it doesn't mean I'll make it through the night
Every moment without you 
I'm thinking about you

Just because there's a smile doesn't mean that there's no pain
Just because I laugh it doesn't mean that I'm alive again
Every moment without you
I'm thinking about you

Just because I can't live without you it doesn't mean I can't remember the past
Just because it hurts to breathe it doesn't mean I've breathed my last 
Every moment without you 
I'm thinking of you always

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