I imagine that in major metropolitan areas where people cram themselves into subways, buses, and trains, eventually you get to notice your regulars. Maybe you even strike up a conversation with them. You may even learn their names and become friends.
In our less-urban settings, we don't have that luxury. But that doesn't mean we don't commute to work with our own set of regulars. Since I have not spoken to them personally (although a few of them I have certainly spoken at), I still have assigned names to each of my mobile neighbors and would like to introduce you to them.
My first regular I usually pick up coming out of the neighborhood and onto the highway. I just call her Sunshine. She almost always had a smile on her face, and her little car is brightly colored. Her smile gets brighter as we travel as she applies the bright lipstick and equally luminous eye shadow as she manages the wheel with an unseen set of hands.
Then there is a woman I call Bountiful Betty. I haven't met her, but I know she has a husband and four kids as well as three dogs and a cat. I'm afraid that if her family gets any larger there will be no room on her back window to add another cartoonlike character.
The Quick Cajun is my next co-commuter - at least for the brief moment he's riding alongside me. QC has magical powers that allow him to go so fast that the green, yellow and red of a traffic signal blur into one color only he can see.
QC should in no way be mistaken for Lane Change Larry. Poor Larry wishes he had similar magical powers because he invariably picks the wrong lane every time. We travel together quite often as I tool along in my lane and watch him pass me on one side before I pass him right back.
Turning Terry is also my traveling buddy. The turn lane was made especially for Terry. Terry will be turning - eventually - even if he does pass through several intersections to get to his turn.
One-Eyed Juanita is next. While most people can cross their eyes side to side, Juanita can mystically move one eye up to watch the traffic and one eye down as she lowers her head and says her Blackberry prayers.
So, if you should happen to see Sunshine, Betty, QC, Larry, Terry or Juanita, please give them a big hello from Too Kind Keith. He's the one who lets absolutely everybody into the lane and drives the vehicle that looks suspiciously like mine. Be sure to honk as you pass him. Everyone else does.
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