Tuesday, December 23, 2014

'Twas the night before a widowers Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas when all through my home
Not a creature was stirring, I am all alone
Stockings aren't hung by the chimney I swear
'Cause the people I want to be with, are not there
No one is nestled all snug in their beds
Just me and my iPad and a sense of dread
The holidays are not the same around here
No milk and cookies just bread and stale beer
No voices are lifted, just a night that's silent
No tree dressed in lights, no packages of white
When what to my crying eyes should appear
Why it's nothing, and it brings me to tears
No sound of Santa dodging the fire
No carolers singing, no heavenly choir
No jolly fat man shoved in a suit of red
My eyes are where you find that color instead 
Christmas without my family here
It makes me long for the first of the year
But before this poem starts breaking your heart
I'm learning to live, make a new start
Friends they surround me with love and with prayer
There's no doubt in my mind I have friends who do care
I have food on my table and a roof overhead
So much to thank God for this Christmas instead
Thank Him for grace, it's new every day
Thank Him for love He keeps sending my way
Thank Him for mercy and thank Him for joy
And most of all, thank Him for the gift of His boy
If you find yourself in my shoes this year
Perhaps you can find a source of good cheer
Find it in faith, find it in friends
Find it in others who are there 'till the end
Give gifts to someone that you may not know
Let someone out in traffic when it's your turn to go
I bet if you tried you could think of your own
Special ways to make others feel less alone
Doing for others, now that's a great gift
Giving someone else that much needed lift.
For in giving away joy I'm sure you will see
Joy comes back in a large quantity. 
If you think Christmas this year will be blue
Think of all the good you could do
Then when you rest and say your prayers just right
You can say Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. 

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