Saturday, November 1, 2014

You knock me off of my feet

The other day I imagined an impact crater in my life. When a meteor strikes earth it leaves a huge impression. Beginning at the center, where the meteor actually struck, and extending out from there. One of the more famous ones is the Meteor Crater in Arizona. It is nearly a mile across. 

Several years ago I was struck with a "meteor" when we lost Beth. There is nothing left of what was standing where the meteor struck but memories. In a circle around the impact is a huge hole. To me this hole represents grief. Over time I have slowly filled in the hole with other things and people. I have not replaced the loss. I have only replaced the grief. Then, just 4 months ago a larger meteor struck leaving an even larger hole. I have spent the last four months assessing the damage. And it is great. Now I have to begin the slow process of filling the hole. Until the hole is completely filled there will be grief there. And nothing will ever be able to replace what was lost at the impact. 

There are only so many things in my life I can fill the holes with. I have yet to finish filling the hole from the first major impact. Now I have to fill both of these craters of grief. The second one will take longer but I am working on it. The crater is massive but when God finishes filling it I am imagining a thing of beauty. 

I leave you with two pictures "stolen" from the Internet. One is the Meteor Crater in Arizona. The other is Crater Lake in Oregon. I wanted you to see how ugly these craters can be and how beautiful they can become if you fill them with the right things. 

I hope you can see this as a challenge to fill the craters of grief in your life rather than just leaving them open and exposed. God can certainly bring beauty from ashes. 

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