Thursday, April 22, 2010

Recognizing those in our past

Have you ever given thought to the people in your past that helped shape you into the person you are today? Not just your immediate family, but others who crossed your life’s path, even if only for a brief moment. Oddly enough, that person is probably totally unaware of the impact that he or she had on you.
Using one of the many social networking sites, I managed to come across a former high-school classmate. This particular classmate was oddly peculiar, which appealed to me. She bucked the trend when bucking the trend wasn’t cool. The way she lived her life made a simple change in mine. When she took notes in class, she wrote from edge to edge on the paper and, using neat lettering, in all caps, fit two lines in the space of one. It was unique and went against the norm of writing. I took what she did and used it to refine my own style of handwriting. I still only fit a single row on each line and I stay well within the margins, however, I now write solely in capital letters.
When I contacted this person who changed my writing habits some 25 plus years later, she responded with an endearing, “I’m sorry, but how do I know you?”
Each of us probably has people in our lives that altered our normal way of doing things the way TJ did for me. Many of those people are clueless to the change they affected. And several of those may not even remember who we are. But the simple change in my handwriting style proves that, even when you are not aware of it, people watch you, and your actions have an effect that you may not even be cognizant of.
I think this holds especially true when dealing with children. We all shape our own children into who they one day become. Our actions alone may cause unnoticed children to change – but what is the total effect of our actions? Are the changes positive? What legacy are we leaving?
I challenge you today to do two things. First, reach out to someone who has had a positive influence in your life and tell them thank you. Secondly, live your life so that one day you too will be getting a call thanking you for how you changed someone’s life. Even if it is just changing someone’s handwriting style.

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