I imagine that Thanksgiving, that purely American holiday, is still celebrated in heaven. But I imagine it is celebrated every day. All day.
This morning, as I was trying to force myself to get up and face the day I began to think about how my family is celebrating in heaven. I realize that the average day in heaven is quite different than what we go through here on earth, but if it went like an earthly day perhaps it would go like this:
My wife awakens in her bed and rolls over, without morning breath (because I can't imagine morning breath in heaven), and gathers her sleeping children to her. Beth is enjoying being a big sister to her siblings (I can hardly wait to meet them), but she refuses to give up her mother's arm as she snuggles close. Wanda was never a morning breakfast kind of person but she sits up and lets the little ones bring her breakfast in bed. The breakfast tray has eggs and toast the way I taught Beth to make them. There are also pancakes with designs on them just the way Wanda used to do for Beth. The setting is pure silver and the plates are of the finest China trimmed in gold. Small salt and pepper shakers made of the clearest crystal are at the right side of the tray. There is a fine linen napkin beneath the silverware but it's not needed because no one spills anything in heaven.
After breakfast and some time of play my family gets up and dresses in the most beautiful clothes. I imagine they are all dressed in matching outfits (I'm sorry if one of our children was a boy but Beth would insist you wear one like your mom and sisters). When they venture outside they don't need sunglasses even though the light is blinding. There is no need to climb in a car but there is one parked in the mansion driveway because Beth insisted they have one so she could name it. They leave the car in the driveway and walk to the street. Of course it is made of gold. The ground is so clean that Wanda lets everyone keep their shoes on when they are in the house. The sky is the brightest blue with fluffy white clouds. The kids run up and down the road saying hi to all of your loved ones that are up there. Everyone is walking. And they are all walking in one direction.
"Are we headed to the throne, mom?" asks our littlest one.
"Not yet, sweetheart. We are headed to a banquet. We are going to have Thanksgiving lunch with the King!" replies my wife.
The banquet hall is spacious and filled with more people than you could ever imagine. In spite of the crowd Beth instantly spots Papaw and then Granny. They look so beautiful. So full of life. Beth sees Great Uncle Bill and runs and jumps in his arms like she did when she was just a little child. He takes her over so they can sit with GiGi and, although she never got to meet him on earth, GiGi's husband - her great-grandfather.
As everyone sits and prepares to eat, the prayers are said. Only this time everyone is keeping their heads up and their eyes open as they gaze upon the God that is great, the God that is good, that they are thanking for their food.
And what food there is! The three youngest are asking for their second helping of manna while Beth, her mom, and the second oldest child are already on to dessert. And, knowing Wanda, the dessert will be something made of chocolate resting on a bed of chocolate topped with chocolate sauce. Whatever sweets they want to indulge in are available. Vegetables even taste good. No one moves food around on their plates or sneaks food to a dog at their feet because they don't like something. What looked like only a small amount of food before the blessing, never runs out and yet there are no leftovers.
Now they get to go to the throne! The kids are so excited - as are the adults - as they gather across the crystal sea. Here they are reunited with all of their friends and family members. They look to the throne as the king comes out. Songs of praise ring out across the sea. Millions raise their voices to sing holy, holy holy to the Lord God Almighty. After their praise subsides the crystal sea becomes like a large screen TV and they all surround the sea and begin cheering for their friends and family as the race on earth continues. Beth thinks it is so cool to be standing next to Moses and hearing him cheer her daddy on.
As the day comes to a close, my family joins hands and walks back to our mansion. The littlest one holds both Beth and her momma's hands so she can run and jump and swing as mom and Beth half carry her home- just the way Beth did with her mom and dad when she was little. As they reach home they stop on the doorstep and watch to see which colors God is going to use for the sunset. Beth put in her request, but tonight the colors some from someone else's palate. Perhaps, dear reader, it was your loved one whose request was heard this time. Regardless, Beth is not disappointed as the colors are still beautiful. After the sunset they turn to go back inside and Beth stops and whispers to a butterfly who leaves her side and flutters to earth so that dad can be reminded that he is still loved. The butterfly joins thousands of others as they descend to earth to wait for their morning delivery to their intended audience.
Bedtime comes with no fussing. Instead the children are excited to sleep so they can visit loved ones in their dreams. Sleep comes easy. And, just before she closes her eyes, Wanda rolls over and looks at Beth and tells her she loves her but she is only keeping daddy's spot warm until he gets there. Beth's only response is a smile as she closes her eyes and dreams of visiting daddy again.
At least that's how I imagine it to be. Happy Thanksgiving to all.