Saturday, October 4, 2014

What's your function?

I believe that we all get there eventually. That point where we believe there is more waiting for us on the other side than there is here. Nations were created with that in mind. Europe got too small so someone decided to sail until they reached land. The earth began to shrink so we reached for the moon and the stars. Even something as comparatively small as leaving our house or city in search of something more. I'm now there. There is nothing I see in this life that holds more value than what awaits me on the other side. Now, I plan to continue to live as long as God intends for me to live. I will not do anything to bring me to the river's crossing faster than the life plan God set in place half a century ago. But I do long for the reward.

Wanda was like that for the last seven years. She wanted so badly to go to our heavenly home and be with our children. I understand. I'm not even too angry that what she had here (me) wasn't enough to keep her here (As if she had a choice). I certainly wish I had been, but I cannot fault her. I love my daughter and I miss her every day. I love my wife and I miss her every day too. Having both of them waiting for me now makes it very difficult not to answer the mythological sirens call. But I won't. No matter how loud or beautiful that call may be. 

It's not wrong to long for the end as long as it doesn't get in the way of your life. I want to do everything I can to make the lives of others better as long as I can. I believe that is the purpose God has given me while I'm here. I believe that should be everyone's purpose. 

During a trip with my mother, my little girl began singing the Schoolhouse Rock hit, "Conjunction Junction." Rather than ask what "conjunction" or "junction" meant, she asked her Gran what "function" meant. Once she found out she basically said that her function was love and praising Jesus. I don't recall exactly what mom said her own answer was, but she did want to change it after she heard her granddaughter's answer. 

So, what's your function? Are you operating at 100%? Are you the best father, the best mother, the best brother or sister you can be? How about your faith? Have you shared like you should share? I know I haven't. I continue to make mistakes. And I know, when I do get to the other side, I still won't be perfect. But I hope I'm still working on it. 

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